Jim Wilkes · Nov 15, 2020
Hey. Journey Church! We are in Week 3 of our teaching series on the Book of Revelation. In Revelation 12 and Revelation 13 Satan is allowed to throw his worst at the world. The doors are open. And it’s not enough. It’s not enough to defeat those who believe in Christ. The dragon and both beasts are thrown down and defeated. It shows that Satan doesn’t have the power to defeat us and defeat our faith. What a great story! That although things get difficult they never get so difficult that we cannot have victory. That although things get dark they never get so dark that we can’t see the light. And although life – even life right now, even life before this happens gets very hard sometimes it never gets so hard that you and I cannot see the reality of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. That’s God’s good news.
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