
A strong relationship among Christians, characterized by mutual love, care, encouragement, and support. It is often expressed through shared activities such as worship, prayer, Bible study, and acts of service.



Building Personal Relationships

  • Pick 1-5 Christians you want to develop a deeper relationship with and pray for them
  • Share prayer requests you have with a trusted, Christian community
  • Invite another Christian family/individual over to your house for dinner
  • Plan times for family dinners to start fellowship within your own family


Bible Study & Prayer

  • Study the Bible with others
  • Set up a time to pray with someone (or a few friends) aloud once a week
  • Lead a devotional/prayer time for your family


Encouragement & Accountability

  • Pick a few fellow believers and encourage them: Share how God is using them and the blessing they are
  • Share a sin struggle within a trusted, Christian community
  • Invite accountability from fellow believers in a particular sin struggle or area of disobedience you have


Mentorship & Service

  • Be mentored by someone older in their faith
  • Mentor someone newer in their faith
  • Volunteer with a your Journey Group at Hope Day


This is not merely about social gatherings or small talk; it's an intentional pursuit of spiritual communion with fellow believers. Fellowship provides a space to share, encourage, and bear one another's burdens, acting as a mirror to both our human and spiritual selves. Whether it's through sharing meals, praying together, discussing Scripture, or simply being there for each other in times of need, each act of fellowship is a step closer to embodying the love and community that Christ envisioned for His followers.

Whether you're discerning your path, learning new insights, practicing your faith, reflecting on your journey, or celebrating your progress, we are here to support and guide you every step of the way. Don't miss out on the latest from our community. Subscribe today and join us on this journey of faith and growth!

Journey Church